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25 not brand new things I want to watch in 2025 – Blue Towel Productions

A little while ago I wrote up a list of 25 things that were coming out in 2025 that I wanted to watch (see here). Because this is the way I roll, at the same time I came up with a list of 25 more things that I want to watch this year, except these were all things that came out before 2025.

I’d be happy to watch stuff this year that comes out after 2025 as well, but that might prove more logistically complicated.

Because I want to track my progress with these (admittedly mostly unimportant) goals, I thought I’d outline what those things are here. So here it is:

25 not-so-brand-new things I want to watch in 2025

1. Slow Horses season 5

    This darkly comic British espionage shows recently made it high on my list of favorite TV shows, and boasts in Gary Oldman one of the most interesting characters that I’ve ever seen on TV. The most recent season (the fifth) is available on Apple TV+ and I’m excited to see it.

    2. Pachinko 2

    Another Apple TV+ offering. I don’t always keep up with my subscription to these service, but we jumped back in with season 2 of Severance coming out, so now is the perfect time!

    3. My Adventures with Superman seasons 1 & 2

    Normally I don’t include more than one season of a show as the same entry in a list like this, but prior to 2025 kicking off, I’d watched all but the last episode of Season 1, so it seemed a bit of a cheat to put it by itself.

    4. Star Wars: Clone Wars season 1

    My two younger (though not particularly young anymore) daughters are taking me through this. I enjoy it well enough, but I don’t love it, so it’s taking us time. But for sure I can get through the first season in 2025, if not more!

    5. Star Trek: The Next Generation season 3

    This one I’ve seen before, of course, but I’m taking those same daughters (mentioned above) through this. We almost were at the end as 2024 concluded, but still had a few episodes to go.

    6. Star Trek: Short Treks

    It occurred to me that I haven’t seen some of these Short Trek episodes, and that that is the only thing keeping me from saying truthfully that I’ve watched all the official cinematic offerings that there are to see in the world of Star Trek, so I thought it was time to correct that.

    7. Daredevil

    I’m already two (out of three) seasons into this show, and have enjoyed it but not felt compelled to keep going in a hurry. I thought it might be fun to finish it before Daredevil: Born Again drops.

    8. Andromeda

    This is a science fiction show that came out a while ago, starring Kevin Sorbo from Hercules, which seems to require a lot of effort from me to watch. I am curious to finish it, though, enough so that apparently when I was making this list I included it. I’m int he middle of the third (out of five) season, so I don’t know if I’ll actually get through the whole show this year, but at least the end of the third season.

    9. Timeless

    This is a moderately fun time travel show which ran for two seasons and then had the chance to finish its story in a special two-part finale. It’s another show that is taking me a longtime to watch. I’m somewhere in the middle of the second season, so it’d be good to finish it.

    10. Max Headroom

    I’ve been blogging about this one. The show only ran for fourteen episodes, and I think I just have six episodes left, so surely I can finish it, right?

    11. Quantum Leap

    Another one I’ve been blogging about for a looooong time, but there are only a handful of episodes left. Let’s get it done so I can move onto the Quantum Leap comic book that I bought a while ago.

    12. Doctor Who – Evil of the Daleks

    This is a story from classic Doctor Who‘s fourth season which has long been mostly lost, but was recently recreated as an animated adventure. I got it on DVD a while ago, but have never gotten around to watching it. Let 2025 be the year!

    13. Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom

    The last gasp of the DCEU came out a year or two ago, and superhero fatigue had set in so strongly by then that I’ve never given it any effort. I am still curious, though, so let’s see.

    14. Madame Web

    I want to watch this in the same manner that one sometimes wants to see the wreckage of a car accident. You know it’s going to be bad, but you want to see how bad. I watched Morbius for the same reasons.

    15. The Bionic Woman – season 1

    I don’t remember how or why but somehow this old 1970s adventure show got onto my radar recently as something to revisit. I bought the first season on Apple TV with some Christmas money with this in mind.

    16. Superman movie serials

    I love Superman as a character, and have never seen the two serials that were made in 1948 and 1950. I tried to watch it around the same time that I watched the old Batman serials a while back, but found that they weren’t available freely on YouTube e, and instead had to be purchased. Well, now, with the same Christmas money I mentioned above, I have purchased them, so a viewing is surely in the cards.

    17. What If…? season3

    I really liked this animated series featuring alternate takes on events from the MCU when it started, so much so that I included it on my original list of 101 series that I enjoy the most. But then the second season came along and was mostly a bit of a drag. Now the third and last season is here, and I’m not sorry to see it go, but I am curious enough about it to find some time to watch it.

    18. A Christmas Story Christmas

    I am from the generation of Americans who saw A Christmas Story when I was young and loved it. Not long ago this legacy sequel was made, and while I’m not expecting it to charm me in the same way, I do want to catch it at some point.

    19. Babylon 5: The Road Home

    Speaking of legacy sequels, The Road Home is a follow-up to the science fiction series Babylon 5, which was kind of a big deal for people like me back in the 90s. It includes a bunch of returning actors as well as replacement actors for characters whose original performers are no longer with us. It’s been a long time since I saw anything Babylon 5-related, so I’m only worried I won’t remember all the critical lore that this movie might be built off of, but still, that’s not a reason to not watch it at all.

    20. The Bear season 2

    My daughter and I have been watching this show very slowly. It’s all about people working in the kitchen of a restaurant, and is often highly stressful. We like it, but find it a little exhausting, so we’ve not been making our way through it quickly. We’re close to finishing the second season though, so that sounds like a pretty modest goal for this year.

    21. Parasite

    This is Bong Joon Ho’s Best Picture-winning movie from 2019, which I have never seen and managed mostly to avoid any spoilers above. I shouldn’t press my luck though, and should just get my act together and actually watch it.

    22. Batman: Caped Crusader

    Bruce Timms latest animated take on Batman dropped on Prime Video in 2024. It’s definitely good, although not always as much fun as I’d like. Before the new year hit my daughter and I had watched about half of it, and so it was an easy choice for this list.

    23. Superman and Lois season 3

    Tyler Hoechlin’s take on the Man of Steel is possibly my favorite all-time live action Superman so far, and certainly in the top-two alongside Christopher Reeve. Self-imposed limitations to how many streaming services I can deal with at once kept me from watching the last season when it came out last year, but now I’ve bought that season with the same Christmas money that I mentioned above. So this is the year to finish it off, ideally before the James Gunn film comes out later this year.

    24. All Creatures Great and Small season 5

    This is another one of my favorite shows, but amusingly a fifth season came out last year and I didn’t realize it and we watched the Christmas episode and were left slightly confused by how the status quo had evolved to its current state. Turns out that fifth season is readily available on Britbox, so now we want to catch up.

    25. Stateless

    Stateless is an Australian drama about people in immigration detention centres. It got onto my radar because it stars Yvonne Strahovkski, who I got to know through Chuck, and also Clarence Ryan, an Australian Aboriginal actor who I’ve had the privilege to actually work about ten years ago. It’s on Netflix, but not available on the ad-supported plan that we have at the moment, so I’ll have to spring for a bit more money if I want to see it.

    And that’s it! Of course, this doesn’t mean these are the only older things that I might end up watching this year, but I thought writing this list down would help me to remember when I’m flailing around for something to watch. So I’m planning on using this list and the other one linked above to monitor my progress as the year goes along.

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